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Cleopatra beach

Camli 5.5 km
Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Malerisk • Bådadgang • Overfyldt • Parkering forbudt
4.4 Faciliteter indeks
Kun betalt indgang • Strandresort • Malerisk • Nem adgang • Sort sand og småsten • Overfyldt
6.8 Faciliteter indeks
God til fest

Chardak beach

Kiran 3.1 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Malerisk • Nem adgang • Grå sten • Turkis rent vand
4.4 Faciliteter indeks

Saridana Bay II

Karaca 5.1 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Malerisk • Nem adgang • Grå sten • Overfyldt
2.7 Faciliteter indeks

Marmaris Plaji II

Marmaris 1.6 km
Kun betalt indgang • Strandresort • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Overfyldt • Fjern parkering
6.3 Faciliteter indeks

Seneste anmeldelser af Karaca's strande

Marmaris Plaji II
8 Kaelen Rostov

We made a last-minute booking for our holiday and despite the global pandemic, it turned out to be a great experience. When we arrived at 11:30 pm on Saturday, we were warmly greeted by a friendly receptionist who checked our temperature and had us fill out the necessary Covid and sign-in forms. Our room was absolutely amazing, the best we've had in Turkey considering our previous visits. It had a very elegant and French vibe. To top it off, we were pleasantly surprised to find some food (chips and a baguette with ham) delivered to our room, which was perfect after our long journey. The hotel was located on the Marmaris strip, which offered plenty of bars and nightlife, all of which were open. They had two pools, both of which were great and had an abundance of sun loungers, although this may have been due to the current situation. The front pool, situated on the strip, had a bar, while the second pool, which was quieter and didn't have music, had a waterfall and a bar as well. This pool area also served lunch, which was a nice option to have on a few days (burgers, chips, pasta, etc.). The bars were nice, although the cocktail options were limited to Sex on the Beach and Pina Colada. The beer was good, and the mixers were very generous, but they only had Gin, Vodka, and Brandy. Other hotels we've stayed at in the past had a wider selection available. The food was okay, but the selection was not extensive, which could be attributed to the current circumstances, as there were empty stalls at the buffet. There was a nearby McDonald's and shops that we could have visited, but we rarely went to the supermarkets because the hotel had its own shop. The gym was well-equipped and had good air conditioning, which was a relief considering how hot it was during our stay. The activities guy was also polite and offered his assistance by giving us his WhatsApp number and suggesting some great activities. We decided to go scuba diving, and it turned out to be one of the best experiences we've had while visiting Turkey. We would definitely do it again. Overall, I would rate this experience a 4 out of 5, mainly due to the lackluster food. It's worth noting that in Turkey, a 5-star hotel doesn't always meet the standard of a true 5-star establishment. However, it was a fun and relaxing 7-day holiday.

Karaca beach II
10 Zan QI

We decided to stop by this place just to have a quick look, and we were pleasantly greeted by a friendly host, Ata ATASOY. The attention we received was sufficient, and it didn't feel like a business establishment. It felt more like visiting a family member. The environment was very quiet and peaceful, with a perfect area for accommodation. The sinks and showers were quiet and peaceful, and there was enough water and electricity. There are no other businesses around, but I believe Mr. Ata will come up with more ideas in the future. The village doesn't have a grocery store for shopping, but it is conveniently close to Gökova and Marmaris, only 20-30 minutes away. The roads leading to the facility are paved, although the entrance is a bit narrow. Overall, we were satisfied with our experience. Thank you very much.

Incekum Strand
4 Marina K.

Stranden var utroligt fyldt med mennesker, så der var kun lidt plads til at gå mellem rækkerne af solsenge. På trods af potentialet for en behagelig oplevelse var opsætningen skuffende. Derudover var det besværligt at forlade stranden, da køen til de eneste to lastbiler til at transportere besøgende tilbage til parkeringspladsen var ekstremt lang, hvilket resulterede i en halv times ventetid.

Cleopatra beach
10 Pittadosis Gypsanipittas

Denne ø er et absolut must-visit for enhver, der søger en malerisk og fredelig getaway. Dens naturlige skønhed og rolige atmosfære gør den til det perfekte rejsemål for en afslappende og foryngende ferie. Gå ikke glip af muligheden for at nyde solen, svømme i det krystalklare vand og udforske de fascinerende omgivelser. Tro os, du vil ikke fortryde et besøg i dette paradis.

Bonjuk Bay beach
4 kadir Kaya

Når du først accepterer, at aspektet med at vi elsker naturen er uærligt, kan du fuldt ud værdsætte roen på det afsides sted og kvaliteten af maden. Det er dog vigtigt at have realistiske forventninger til serviceniveauet. De fleste af personalet virker til at være på ferie selv, da de kun virker aktive under måltiderne og virker mere afslappede end dig resten af dagen. Det bliver tydeligt, at du er mere til besvær for deres ferie. Desuden betyder manglen på ansvar for at opretholde renligheden, at rod kan blive hængende i en dag eller endda længere. Hvis du er interesseret i at besøge Bonjuk, anbefaler jeg at overveje at tilmelde dig et job for at bo der gratis i stedet for at betale for dit ophold.

Chardak beach
8 Jensar Canby

Hvorfor er der så mange negative anmeldelser? Dette hotel er faktisk ret flot og har en en-til-en-slags placering lige ved havet. Vi havde en fantastisk tid her i to dage og nød hvert øjeblik. Selvom ejerne ikke taler engelsk, var vi stadig i stand til at finde en måde at kommunikere på. Morgenmaden var lækker, og vi spiste endda middag en nat foran vores hytte, som vi virkelig elskede. Akyaka ligger kun 20 minutters kørsel væk og har masser af fantastiske restauranter, butikker og mere.