se de bedste strande
Denne strand var en absolut skuffelse. Jeg var nødt til at slå rundt i en spand vand, maden var forfærdelig med sure hamburgere, og ingen af faciliteterne havde vand undtagen dem foran, der havde klimaanlæg og personlige tanke. Ranchen var under reparation og leverede kun underholdning. Musikken sprang fra en højttaler, og de ødelagte vinduer lod alle myg ind. Fansen cirkulerede næppe nogen luft. Jeg er ekstremt svigtet af min oplevelse på dette sted. 😤
What a sight! The beach is adorned with a stunning coral reef that is definitely worth a visit. But let's be real, with all the pollution and over-tourism, who knows how long this natural beauty will last. So, enjoy it while you can, because the clock is ticking on this picturesque scene.
Unfortunately, the current location listed for Playa La Boca is inaccurate. Regrettably, I am unable to modify the site to reflect the correct location. It's a shame because Playa La Boca is truly a hidden gem that deserves to be discovered by all beach lovers. The crystal clear waters, soft sand, and gentle waves make this beach a perfect spot for relaxation and rejuvenation. It's a tranquil oasis that offers a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So if you're looking for a serene and picturesque beach destination, look no further than Playa La Boca.