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Meget godt
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Overfyldt • Stort lavvande • Fjern parkering
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Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Overfyldt • Stort lavvande • Fjern parkering
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God til fest
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Turkis rent vand • Stort lavvande
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Praia de Tassimirim

Velha Boipeba 1.6 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Turkis rent vand • Stort lavvande
2.7 Faciliteter indeks

Praia do Pontal

Itacare 0.7 km
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Nem adgang • Lys sand • Stort lavvande • Fjern parkering
1.5 Faciliteter indeks
Gratis indgang • Faciliteter strand • Lys fint sand • Bådadgang • Stort lavvande • Fjern parkering
2.2 Faciliteter indeks

Seneste anmeldelser af Jitauna's strande

Praia do Havaizinho
9 Santos Rafaeli

Renamed as “Little Hawaii,” this beach is an exceptional gem. We arrived in the late afternoon and parked along the BR001, but it is important to be cautious while parking and crossing due to a treacherous curve. As we crossed, a speeding bus made us feel uneasy. The descent to the beach was a delightful and picturesque hike. To reach Havaízinho, take the path to the right at the fork. On the beach, there are a few ‘restaurants’ with unstable tables that provide some shade. The service was laid-back, and no one pressured us to patronize their establishment. We enjoyed a scrumptious moqueca dish for seven people, and the price was incredibly affordable by North American standards. The waves crashed heavily in the ocean, but the cove's protection allowed children to wade out quite a distance and still be safe. We plan to return before our trip ends.

Praia do Pontal
8 Nina FitzGerald

Denne strand er utrolig fredelig, og du vil støde på mange afsondrede pletter. Derudover er sandet en smuk gylden farve.

Cova da Onca
2 Aelsson "Silva"


Praia do Segredo ou de Palva
10 Lorin Zane

For at nå Praia de Palva, også kendt som Segredo, skal man tage en sti, der starter fra Jeribucaçu og passerer gennem Praia dos Corais. I Arruda kan man enten følge klipperne på kanten eller tage til højre mod lagunen på toppen af ​​bjerget. Stien er fredelig og rolig. Stranden er velholdt og helt sikkert værd at besøge.

Praia de Jeribucaçu
9 Bennett Lloydson

The beach is absolutely splendid and definitely worth the stroll. The colorful pastels offered are quite generous and can easily satiate your hunger for lunch. There are numerous natural pools to explore and a plethora of activities to indulge in. I highly recommend this beach and rate it a 9 out of 10.

Praia Barramares
10 Rafaela Isadora

Dette er en fantastisk strand og min personlige favorit.